Parlez-Vous Francais?

By Joan Kurtz

Recently, the Executive Committee of CSJO held a virtual gathering with our sister organization in Paris, France! Liberte du Judaisme (LJ), founded in 1987, is a secular Jewish organization comprised of individuals throughout France as well as outside France. LJ “represents a place of reception and transmission of Judaism for Jews of all social categories and of all origins, in particular for spouses of mixed marriages and their children as well as for non-Jews interested in cultures and Jewish worlds.”

We started corresponding with LJ after the 2015 Islamist terror attacks and have shared newsletters and updates since. CSJO reached out to LJ and organized a virtual gathering to see how they are faring during this pandemic. Fortunately, they had six members who spoke English as none of us spoke French. We shared out histories, what activities we offer our members, what are our future plans, as well as how to gain young members. We enjoyed these conversations so much that we will again meet virtually to continue some of these discussions.