New Year for the Animals

By Joan Kurtz

If you ever had a pet, you know how important a part they play in your life. Judaism acknowledges this significant and meaningful relationship as well. We have a “New Year for the Animals” or “"Rosh HaShanah L’Behemot.” It is celebrated on the first of Elul which is the month before the High Holidays in Tishrei. It is found in the Mishnah, the Oral Torah. 

Our celebration on August 17, 2023, was the first annual celebration for CSJO. We held a short service with readings, blessings, songs, blowing of the shofar and lighting a candle. Afterwards, a slide show of the attendees’ pets was presented, allowing the owners to talk about their beloved furry/feathery family member(s). Deemed a success, CSJO will celebrate this “new” holiday again next year.